Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday!

Mr. E is officially double digits, much to his mother's disbelief! Where has the time gone?! A mature young man, kind hearted, and a great sense of humour, this kid LOVES these cookies! So, Happy Birthday E!  I hope your day was special. 



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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Farmer's Market

So, I think I may be C.R.A.Z.Y!!!  You tell me!!!   There's a Farmer's Market just down the street from where we now live!  I will be submitting my vendor application this week, but in conversation with the organizer, we should be a go!   I hope that you'll come visit me!   Leave a comment and let me know what designs you'd like to see!   For the first few weeks, I'll be focusing on the end of school and HELLO summer!!!   So if you are looking for that perfect Thank You for your child's teacher, or maybe even the entire school staff... come check out what we'll have on offer.   Because I also want a summer with my 3 wee ones, and hubby has requested a few camping trips, I've decided to attend 6 dates this summer.   I'll be there on June 13 and 20, July 4, August 8 and 15, and September 5.   This event is on Monday evenings from June 13-September 12 and runs from 4-9pm!
Directions - Located in the Beach House Parking Lot