Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer is here...

and so are the wedding's that I had previously booked prior to my decision to take a break!   I'm still very thankful for my decision.  Having more time to focus on what I love the MOST... my faith, and my family... and my friends too!  The past 2 weeks we have lost an uncle at 68 years old... a friend and  young mother at 39, and tragically another young friend at 27.   It's moments like this when one MUST reflect, and realize that life is so very brief... and we only live it once.   And that my friends, is why I can't fill every waking moment filling it with cookies.  As much I love making them, and decorating them... there must be priorities.  That being said... it was fun to dabble again and practice with these cookies.   This beautiful bride ties this knot in August.   Her amazing bridesmaid ordered these for the shower held this past week.   This bride loves polka dots and bows!  A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E    Can't wait for your special day, ST and MG!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Tough decision... I will no longer be accepting cookie orders for 2012. I will honour all orders that have been discussed already, so don't worry if you are one of those weddings I have booked! If you are one of those orders, please email me 4-6 weeks prior to  your event.  After much self-reflecting the past few weeks, I need to find more balance in my life, and pay homage to what is most important.  That is, not being too busy.  I must honour my family and enjoy my 3 lil kids before they grow up! Please keep in touch via email... and... THANK YOU for all your kind words and business the last year and a half. I love you all!